(b: May 10, 1950; d: February 13, 1994)
Solo Exhibitions
San Francisco Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, CA. 1991
Flax, San Francisco, CA. 1991
Quan Yin Healing Center, San Francisco, CA. 1990
McLaren Lodge, San Francisco, CA. 1984
John Crew Gallery, Seattle, WA. 1979
Lawson De Celle Gallery, San Francisco, CA. 1978
Lucien LaBaudt Gallery, San Francisco, CA. 1976
Diego Rivera Gallery, San Francisco, CA. 1974
Group Exhibitions
After/Life. Doug Adams Gallery, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA. 2020
With(out) With(in) The Very Moment. SF Arts Commission Gallery, San Francisco, CA. 2019
Precarious Lives. SOMAR Gallery, San Francisco, CA. 2019
Way Bay. Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley, CA. 2018
Seasonal Exhibitions. Saint Francis Foundation Gallery, San Francisco, CA. 1997
12 Artists from Visual Aid. McKesson Plaza Building, San Francisco, CA. 1997
Selected Works: Hasan Baharin & Ed Aulerich-Sugai. New Conservatory Theater, San Francisco, CA. 1997
Pieces of the Quilt. Magic Theatre, San Francisco, CA. 1996
Battle Cries: Recent Work by Visual Aid Grantees. Southern Exposure, San Francisco, CA. 1995
POSITIVE: A Visual Aid Legacy. San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose, CA. 1995
Physically Challenged Art Show. DIAL Assistance Art Center, Fort Bragg, CA. 1992
Private / Public. The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL. 1992
Works by People with AIDS. National AIDS Conference. Visual AIDS, San Francisco, CA. 1992
Works by Artists with AIDS. Magic Theatre, Fort Mason, San Francisco, CA. 1992
People Living with Illness. California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco, CA. 1992
Seasonal Exhibition. San Francisco Mart/Independent Living Resource Center, San Francisco, CA. 1991
Seasonal Exhibition. 395 Valencia, San Francisco, CA. 1991
Seasonal Exhibition. San Francisco City College Gallery, San Francisco, CA. 1991
Annual Exhibition. Potrero Hill Library, San Francisco, CA. 1991
Rotating Exhibition. Northern California Grant Makers Association, San Francisco, CA. 1991
Rotating Exhibition. SOMAR Gallery, San Francisco, CA. 1990
a hundred LEGENDS. Steven Wirtz Gallery, San Francisco, CA. 1990
Seasonal Exhibition. San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA. 1990
Seasonal Exhibition. New Langton Arts, San Francisco, CA. 1990
Inside Out: Voices from Home. Walter and McBean Galleries, SF Art Institute, San Francisco, CA. 1990
Annual Showcase. Open Studios. San Francisco, CA. 1989
Winter Show. Fort Mason, San Francisco, CA. 1987
Seasonal Exhibition. Capricorn Asunder Gallery, San Francisco, CA. 1979
Rotating Exhibition. Lisa Dubins Gallery, Los Angeles, CA. 1979
Working. Holiday Inn, Huntington, WV. 1975
Four Seasons. Holiday Inn, Huntington, WV. 1975
Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Association, San Francisco, CA. 1974
Performance Art
Talking About Living with AIDS, PWAs Talk with Spalding Gray. Art Against AIDS. San Francisco, CA. 1989
Public Collections
Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley, CA
Leslie-Lohman Museum, New York, NY
Tacoma Art Museum, Tacoma, WA
Washington State Historical Museum, Tacoma, WA
Art in America. “Material Witnesses: Art and AIDS at the San Francisco Arts Commission,” by Mae Sussman, June 19, 2019
KQED Newsletter. “‘With(out) With(in) the Very Moment’ Honors Legacies of AIDS Activism Through Art,” by Sarah Hotchkiss, May 9, 2019
The Bay Area Reporter. “Survival Tactics,” by Sura Wood, April 23, 2019
Visual AIDS News. “Selected Works: Hasan Baharin & Ed Aulerich-Sugai,” February 1997, pp 1–2
Outlook Magazine. “Portfolio: Healing Arts,” Winter, 1992, p 43
Artweek. “Meaning in the Moment,” by Wendy Cadden, June 1990
The Sentinel. “Art that Hits Close to Home,” by Robert Friedman, May 1990
Artweek. “Ed Aulerich, Ecological Concerns,” by Robert McDonald, 1978
Art Review. “A Lesson in Learning,” by Robert Atkins, 1978
The New Yorker. “Robert Glück’s Gloriously Unreliable Memorial to a Lost Love,” by Daniel Felsenthal, January 19, 2024
Visual AIDS (online). “Ed Aulerich-Sugai: Bodies to Grow Into, Images to Heal Into,” by Dylan Huw, Visual AIDS, New York, NY, January 2024
About Ed. Published by New York Review Books, a novel by Robert Glück with extensive excerpts from Ed’s dream journals, 2023
Granta (online). “Ed’s Things,” by Robert Glück, October 2023
Frieze (online). “A Dream Journal of the HIV/AIDS Crisis,” by Robert Glück, April 2020
VOX-Contemporary Art & Culture. “One Artist’s Personal Story: Ed Aulerich-Sugai,” Summer 1992, pp 8–11
Visual AIDS News. “Visual AIDS Artist Profile: Ed Aulerich-Sugai,” April 1993, p 3
A Hundred Legends. “Portfolio” by Northern Lights Alternatives and DIFFA, 1989
BFA, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA. 1974